So, I can't believe it's been over a year since my last post. Time flies... whether you're having fun or not.
My aunt Judy got married in May of 2013. Both my grandparents passed away in June of 2013. The later part of the summer was spent dealing with their house and estate things, plus a big client project that was a lot of work and went pretty much nowhere.
By the time the weather started turning colder, I was in a dire state of worn-out. Ended up needing some physical therapy just to get back to a small degree of functionality. My roomie moved out (and back to Colorado) in December, and the rest of the winter I pretty much spent curled up in a ball, freezing my ass off-- for all appearances looking as though I was hiding from the world. But that's not true.
I spent the first part of my life believing that I didn't like people, and it's only recently I've figured out the untruth in that perception. The truth? Well, what's really going on is that I'm a closet introvert. I appear outgoing and cheerful and eager to engage-- and all this is completely true. I really do like people, but I wear out fast. Your typical extrovert draws energy from being around other people. They get a charge from it. Introverts find being around other people tiring, and they need to recharge in solitude. Well, as an introvert with a chronic pain/fatigue condition, I need to retreat to solitude more often and for a longer duration than most people. This doesn't make me bad, or "anti-social"-- it just makes me, ME. And now that I understand it, I'm finally ok with it.
So, that being said, when I say I spent most of the winter, curled up in a ball, trying to stay warm and generally keeping to myself, that's totally how it went down. I was Resting. Regrouping. Recovering from 2013 and all the big life, death, and life-altering changes that went down.
But, it's finally spring.
Watch this space.
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