Thursday, July 5, 2012

Settling in...

I've had possession of the new house for a little over a month now, and have been living here for a couple weeks.  Although my list of To-Do's is long and mighty, I'm picking away at it a piece at a time as my fluctuating energy levels allow.  It seems like I'm making progress.  Slow, steady progress, but progress nonetheless.

I 'll put up some "before and after" photos soon, I promise!  

Painting still needs to happen.  The kitchen needs a lot of touch up work before the fridge and freezer move to the right wall.  I want that done soon... I want some ice cubes, dangit!  Now that the washer/dryer stack are out of the bathroom, it can be finished painting, too.  There's a spot in the dining room, and more work on the stairwell, and lots of detail left to do in the bedroom.  Looking forward to that... I have a cool headboard and some nice art to put up.  It should remind me of a springtime garden all year round.

I think I'd like to have some kind of official "housewarming" thingie the second weekend of July.  Hopefully I'll have it pretty much put together by then.

"I can has cheeze?" 
I'm blogging.  Rhett is watching me.  Either he approves of my blogging efforts, or he approves of the blueberry cheese, beef jerky and 70% cocoa dark chocolate I'm nibbling on as a late LATE dinner.

Eh, I'm pretty sure it's the cheese. :)  I'll save him an itty bitty piece... because he's Rhett.

He's no LOLcat.  But he's mine. <3