Visiting with my friends Jim and Tara in California this weekend, and last night they made "boef bourguignon" right out of Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking." My first and only exposure to this recipe and that book was from the movie "Julie and Julia" and the book that I read later because I liked the movie so much.
I don't normally use words like "sublime" unless someone's paying me to, but... wow! I didn't take a picture, but I should have. The subtle layering of flavors is almost impossible to describe. TOTALLY impossible today, the the fibro-flare I've got going, but that was one of the best dinners I've ever had in my whole life.
It's funny- I've always considered myself a good cook. But the more I see the more I realize how much there is for me to learn.
Anyone know where to get a really good bottle of balsamic vinegar? ;)